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Learn how to Wakeboard

Learning to wakeboard is incredibly fun and exhilarating, once you have the hang of the basics, you’ve unlocked a super cool skill on the water!

What To Know

Doing anything for the first time will have it's challenges, and wakeboarding is no exception, but, have the right instructor and getting up will be easier than you think. With just a few pointers, you’ll be up and on the water!

What To Expect

It will take a few tries if you're a beginner. But once you're up we will help teach you how to move back and forth across the wake. If you're the more adventurous type, you might even get a small jump on your first session. Book one of our longer experiences to get the hang of wakeboarding! 


    Bend your knees as much as you can. In our family we always yell "knees bent, arms straight"
    Let the boat do the work
    Stay crunched over until you're above your board
    Stand up slowly
    Gently rotate your dominant foot to the back, away from the boat

That's the basics of getting started. Watch the video below to get your first lesson on Wakeboarding

Video Poster Image

Schroon Lake, NY

T:Ā (407) 470-7179

*Live on the lake? Personal pick-upĀ can be scheduled upon request.


Sunday: 1pm-8pm
Monday-Friday: 7am-8pm
Saturday: 6am-8pm 

*Early morning events or all day events can be scheduled upon request.


All participants must sign a waiver.
Schroon Lake Surf Company reserves the right to cancel due to unforeseen circumstances. All bookings will be rescheduled or refunded.